
Revealing the mystery: Why is it called a capacitor?

  • Source:network
  • Release on:2023-03-13

As a assistant assistant, I am always amazed that countless scientific inventions make our lives better every day.One of the most important components of modern electronic equipment is a capacitor.You may have encountered this device in electronic products, but have you ever wondered why it is called a capacitor?In this article, we will understand the history of the electrical container, the definition of capacitors, working principles, and the origin of the term "capacitor".

CapacitorBrief introduction

The capacitor is a passive electronic component that can be stored in charge and released when it is needed.They are essential among various electronic devices, such as television, radios, computers and smartphones.The main function of a capacitor is to stabilize electrical signals and filter noise to make it an component of most circuits.

History of capacitors

The history of capacitors dates back to the early 1740s, when German physicist Ewald Georg Von Kleist discovered the principle of static load storage.He observed that he could store charge by touching a glass can in inside and outside, and he could store charge.This discovery led to the development of the Leidon bottle, which became the first practical capacitor.

What is a capacitor?

The capacitor consists of two metal plates separated by the dielectric material.The dielectric material is an insulator that prevents the charge from flowing between two polar plates.These plates are connected to the circuit. When the voltage is applied, they store electrical energy as an electric field.The capacity of capacitors stores electrical energy is measured by Fara.

How does a capacitor work?

When the voltage is applied to a capacitor, it charges the pole plate, causing one polar plate to be positive and the other is negative.The dielectric materials between the boards can prevent the charge from flowing, thereby generating electric fields.When the voltage is removed, the capacitor is discharged to release the stored power.

The role of capacitors in electronic products

The capacitor plays a vital role in electronic circuits by stabilizing electrical signals and filtering noise.They are used for power, audio amplifiers and data storage devices.Capacitors are also important in electronic timing circuits, and they control the rate of signal generating.

The origin of the term "capacitor"

The term "capacitor" was first used by British scientist Michael Faraday in 1839.Faraday uses this term to describe a device that can store charge.The term "capacitor" is derived from the Latin word "CAPACITAS", which means capacity or capacity.Faraday believes that the device can store electrical energy in a way similar to buckets.

Science behind the name

The name "capacitor" accurately describes the ability of equipment to store electrical energy.The dielectric materials between the boards act as the insulator to prevent the charge from flowing.This insulation material has the ability to store electrical energy in the form of electric field, just as buckets can be water.

Other names of capacitors in different languages

The capacitors have different names in different languages.In French, capacitors are called "Condensteurs", and in German, they are called "Kondensatoren".In Spanish, capacitors are called "Condensadores", and in Italian, they are called "Condensatori".Although the name is different, the function of the capacitor remains unchanged in different languages and culture.

Interesting facts about capacitors

  • The first capacitor was made of glass cans filled with water or oil.
  • Capacitors can be made of a variety of materials, including paper, ceramics and plastic.
  • The world's largest capacitor is located in the Robert-Bouraba Power Station in Quebec, Canada.
  • The capacitor is used for the vibration to provide the high pressure required to restart the heart.